Not a gamer, so don't really know how much of a deal this is but seems good.
Memory card manufacturer SanDisk has announced it has released its new USB flash drives for Microsoft's Xbox 360 games console.
The new drives offer an alternative to usual memory cards and come preconfigured for use with the Xbox 360 without the need for downloading and installing additional software.
They can be used to store game progress or downloads such as games, music and videos from the Xbox Live.
Available in capacities of 8GB and 16GB, the USB drives also come with a month's free gold membership to the Xbox Live online community.
"The Xbox 360 USB Flash Drive by SanDisk is specifically engineered to deliver a great user experience and maximum compatibility with the console, offering gamers greater freedom and flexibility in how they store, manage and enjoy their favourite files," commented Shuki Nir, senior vice president and general retail manager at SanDisk.
Microsoft released an update for the Xbox 360 last month that allows it to work with USB drives. Users can register up to 2 drives for use with the console
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